Let’s get started 

Here you can find your step-by-step guide to setting up and using the OneTouch Reveal® web app. Encourage your patients to activate their accounts so they can share their “between visits” data at each consultation.

1.Request a OneTouch Reveal® Clinic Account

Before you begin, you will need a clinic account. Once you receive your username and temporary password, return to this page and follow the next steps.

Sign in to your OneTouch Reveal® clinic account
2.Sign in to your OneTouch Reveal® Clinic Account
  • Open OneTouchReveal.ca using your browser
  • Enter your username and temporary password provided to you by Customer Service
  • Verify that the current language is correct
  • Click Sign in

As the Clinic Manager (Administrator), you can now set up Clinic Users so they can also create and manage patient accounts.

Get familiar with your OneTouch Reveal® clinic account
3.Get familiar with your OneTouch Reveal® clinic account
Add new patients to your OneTouch Reveal® clinic account
4.Add new patients to your OneTouch Reveal® Clinic Account


Encourage your patients to activate their accounts so they can share their data for each consultation.

5.Tools for your Patients
6. Get familiar with the OneTouch Reveal® web app reports
Remotely monitor patient progress between appointments
7. Remotely monitor patient progress between appointments

All activated patient accounts, linked with your Clinic Code, appear in the OneTouch Reveal® Population Management Tool. You can then filter and sort patient information in meaningful ways:

  • Patients with Type 1 diabetes with the most lows (<3.9 mmol/L)
  • Patients with Type 2 diabetes with the most highs (>10.0 mmol/L)
  • Average blood glucose readings for Type 1 and Type 2 patient populations
  • Further refine your list by sorting for number of blood glucose readings per day
  • Age, gender, etc.
Sign in

If you already have a OneTouch Reveal® web app account, click here to sign in.

View OneTouch Reveal® app patient resources